
Alzheimer's disease How to detect the onset of the disease?

10 Signs and Symptoms to Detect Alzheimer's Early

Alzheimer's disease is a progressive neurodegenerative pathology that mainly affects cognitive functions, such as memory, thinking and the ability to carry out daily activities. It is one of the leading causes of dementia worldwide and represents a significant public health challenge, affecting the quality of life of sufferers and their families.

 Symptom 1: Short-term memory problems:

 Memory loss is one of the most common symptoms. People may forget recent conversations, important events or where they have left everyday objects.

Symptom 2: Difficulty finding words:

People may have trouble remembering common words or names in everyday speech, making communication difficult.

Symptom 3: Disorientation in time and space:

They may lose track of time, date or location, which leads to easy disorientation.

Symptom 4: Changes in judgment and decision making:

Individuals may show a decreased ability to make reasoned decisions and may make unusual or risky decisions.

Symptom 5: Difficulties in planning and problem solving:

They may find it difficult to plan tasks or follow step-by-step instructions.

Symptom 6: Changes in personality and behavior:

They may experience changes in their personality, becoming more apathetic, anxious or irritable.

Symptom 7: Difficulties in daily activities:

Performing everyday tasks such as dressing, cooking, driving or exercising becomes more difficult as the disease progresses.

Symptom 8: Loss of objects and difficulties in finding them:

They may frequently misplace objects and accuse others of stealing them.

Symptom 9: Social withdrawal:

 People with Alzheimer's may become more withdrawn and avoid social situations due to the confusion and stress they experience.

Symptom 10: Problems with spatial vision and orientation:

They may have difficulty judging distances or determining where they are in relation to familiar objects or places, which can lead to falls or accidents.

In conclusion, early detection of Alzheimer's disease is crucial to ensure that affected individuals receive appropriate support and treatment in the early stages of the disease. The 10 signs and symptoms mentioned above can serve as important indicators to alert about possible cognitive problems. It is always advisable to consult a healthcare professional if noticeable changes in memory, thinking, behavior or ability to carry out daily activities are observed.

In this context, it is essential to have high quality telecare services that can provide support to the elderly or people with Alzheimer's and their families. In this regard, SICOR telecare El Corte Inglés stands out as one of the best telecare services available. With its focus on personalized care and safety for seniors, SICOR telecare El Corte Inglés offers constant accompaniment and quick access to health professionals and trained assistants. 

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