Our services

Always at your service, always at your disposal

Home device

Telecommunications system, with intelligent button and loudspeaker, with immediate connection to our Emergency Center.

Voice activation

The smart speaker detects the words "Help me, help me" and immediately establishes communication with the control center.

Mobile telecare

Through the App installed on the user's cell phone and through the Smart Watch, help can be requested from anywhere.

App for family members

The family member, from the App installed on his/her cell phone, can know in real time the geographic location of the user.

Assistance to family members

Direct communication to the Emergency Center to know the status of the user. Psychological and social counseling.

Geolocation and security zones

Our Central Monitoring Station monitors the user's position in real time, as well as whether the user has exceeded the defined security zones.

Emergency care

Emergency Services Alert: ambulances, security forces, fire departments...

Medical consultations

Immediate telephone attention, 24 hours a day, every day of the year, by professional Family Physicians.

Personal phone book

Scheduled telephone reminders for medication, medical appointments, therapies, tests, procedures...

Support and follow-up calls

Periodic calls by a referral assistant, who will contact to check on the user's condition, provide support and address needs.

Psychological counseling

Psychological and emotional counseling by our Psychologists specialized in elderly and/or dependent people.

Social counseling

Telephone counseling by our Social Workers specialized in elderly and dependency.

Electronic medical prescription

After the corresponding telephone medical consultation, our doctors will be able to dispense a digital prescription to the user whenever he/she needs it. 24h service every day of the year.

Dietary and nutritional counseling by telephone

Attention of a nutritionist to provide information on balanced diets and eating habits.


How can we help you?

We inform you

From the first call we will guide you at all times to know the service that best suits your needs and those of your family, thus achieving a very simple and immediate hiring process.

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