ASPAYM Madrid, the Association of People with Spinal Cord Injury and other physical disabilities, aims to achieve the full social integration of people with spinal cord injury in the Community of Madrid, promoting their autonomy.
The collaboration between ASPAYM Madrid and SICOR telecare El Corte Inglés aims to promote the dissemination of the telecare service for the benefit and care of its members.
On March 21, 2024, the professional psychologists of the SICOR Telecare Service of El Corte Inglés gave a dynamic and participative talk on Loneliness.
With the title "Weaving your nets" the attendees were offered "a thread to face Loneliness".
Loneliness is the undiagnosed disease of the 21st century, with a high degree of social affectation, especially for people in situations of vulnerability and dependence.
There are different types of loneliness, as many as there are people who perceive it. Loneliness is positive when it is chosen and can have negative connotations when it is imposed. There are three main types of loneliness: existential, social and emotional.
In the first there is a lack of motivation and internal justification of existence. Social loneliness is that which is perceived in the company of others. And finally, emotional loneliness is that which is linked to experiences, situations, losses...
Pills have been provided to address loneliness.
The El Corte Inglés SICOR Telecare Service addresses the situations of loneliness of our users through personalized telephone monitoring and psychological and emotional support through counseling calls with our psychologists.